I found this website on
Pinterest and I've been pondering over this topic a lot lately. I have now been a SAHM for 21 months and I have enjoyed and hated it : ) Like any job, there are good days and bad days but overall I have a positive and grateful attitude about my situation. As much as I love staying at home there is a big part of me that desires a little more. I am finishing my MBA this December and have tarted receiving notifications about my student loans that will be coming due. It got me started thinking about why I went to school in the first place. Why did I go through all of this and take out all of these loans if I was just going to stay at home and have babies? I guess in my ideal/fantasy life I could stay at home and work from home for my own business, but I have not figured out how to make that happen just yet. So, I have considered going back to work; considered meaning keeping myself up at night dreaming about life as a working mom. I think of the good and the bad and I just can't wholeheartedly decide either way (lucky me that this is my dilemma i know) but I feel like I need to make a decision soon. I want to have more kids and if I'm going back to work I will need to postpone that for a little while. I don't want to start a job and get pregnant right away.
I read on a random site the other day about jobs for moms and how a SAHM that goes back to work is not just looking for money or busywork but purpose. We feel like we need to have a REALLY good reason to leave our child(ren) in daycare. I can totally relate! I feel like if I decide to go back it will have to be a great job that I actually look forward to doing or else I will become a guilt-ridden crazy person.
It's a big decision and I have to pick my poison soon.
Any advice??
I went back to work after my maternity leave ended, both times (9 and 7 weeks respectively). I am blessed to be able to work from home two days a week, so I have the best (and worst) of both worlds. I find telecommuting to be challenging, but it's given me more time with my kids than other working parents.
ReplyDeleteBeing tied to my laptop and managing the kids isn't easy, but, the good days are really good days, and it's rewarding all around.
In the end, it's all about what's best for you and your family. For our family, we need both incomes. I'm not sure I'd make a good SAHM, so I'm pretty pleased with our current arrangement.
Good luck, whatever you decide!